Players discovered “Play to Win” Victorious Anivia feature, and here’s how

A major bug has been discovered by League of Legends players, and it’s associated with the Victorious Anivia skin. This bug pertains to the interaction between Anivia’s wall and Ornn’s E ability, resulting in some truly bizarre consequences.

Many skins are considered as “Pay to Win/Lose” for their odd visual features

League of Legends is known for its intricate interactions, and players often learn these nuances through each of their games. However, the complexity is compounded by the sheer number of skins and champions in the game. Identifying not only the champion and their abilities but also recognizing different color schemes and aesthetics introduced by skins can be a challenge in itself.

Victorious Anivia insane bug with Ornn’s E

The issue at hand revolves around the Victorious Anivia skin, which has caught the attention of players due to an unusual bug.

According to a Reddit post, when using this skin, it appears that Ornn’s E ability is unable to break Anivia’s wall, which deviates from the standard interaction. Normally, Ornn’s E is capable of breaking any player-made structure upon contact, making him a strong counter to Anivia’s wall.

Image via Riot Games

In a visual demonstration, the bug causes Ornn to become completely stuck when trying to break Anivia’s wall, forcing the player to use their flash to escape. This bug, if not addressed, could have a significant impact on gameplay, potentially providing a distinct advantage to players using Victorious Anivia compared to other skins.

Victorious Anivia was distributed to players who accumulated enough split points during Split 1 of Season 2023, making the skin somewhat of a “play to win” or even “pay to win” cosmetic, as one player humorously pointed out.

Image via Riot Games

Given the community’s spotlight on this bug, it is likely that Riot Games will take prompt action to address and rectify the issue, ensuring that it doesn’t disrupt the balance of the game or create an unintended advantage for players using the Victorious Anivia skin.