League PBE Preview: Massive Taric buff and Tahm Kench update are coming

More changes are coming to PBE

Image via Riot Games

With multiple League of Legends updates on the way, Riot revealed its plans for numerous projects on PBE that would be available on the Rift.

Today, League’s gameplay design director Mark “Scruffy” Yetter detailed all of the short-term tasks in the Summoner’s Rift system, including plans to buff Taric and “slow and steady progress” on the Tahm Kench update which is promised to be available on the PBE servers first.

Taric has been at the forefront of one of League’s most annoying solo queue strats—funnel jungle. As Master Yi’s Alpha Strike (Q) is combined with Taric’s Dazzle (E), the jungler can AFK farm indefinitely, funneling resources from camps and the mid lane to the Wuju Bladesman. According to Scruffy, this keeps Taric “from the strongest condition he might be in because of the unhealthy synergy.”

Although no concrete adjustments have been announced, Riot plans to make changes to how the combo works and to give Taric a general buff.

Fans will have to wait for the long-awaited Tahm Kench update. According to gameplay designer Phlox, the rework was set to arrive “once preseason [was] more settled.” However, months have gone and the Kench remains on the bench.

Image via Riot Games

Scruffy said that the upgrade “isn’t forgotten, but still has a good chunk of work to do on the art and audio side to be shippable.” Though there is no fixed timetable, it seems that his package is nearly complete and should be available on the PBE any time soon.

According to Scruffy in a June 2020 blog post, the rework should transfer Devour (W) to his ultimate position, allowing it to become “significantly more powerful” and “less dependent on allies playing around it.” It can do more damage to enemies you eat and defend allies with a shield more effectively. The new W should be an engage tool, close to Kench’s current ultimate.

Riot has also teased improvements to Sona, Rammus, split pushing, and new items for tanks and enchanters in future updates. Rammus’ mini-update should be available on the PBE first, but no date has been given for the other works.