Players discovered this 7-year-old Jarvan IV skin is actually a “Pay To Win” skin

This Jarvan skin has been used in professional games since way back it was released, now we know why

In League of Legends, players can purchase skins as cosmetic changes for their champions. Players receive distinctive audio and visual impacts from them that distinguish them from the basic champion.

Despite this, skins typically have an influence on gameplay and are primarily used for their aesthetic effects. However, there are some exceptions to the norm. In the game, there are some skins known as “pay to win” that merely offer the player an edge. Just two instances are Arclight Varus and iBlitzcrank. And recently, players discovered an old Jarvan skin having the same effect.

Image via Riot Games

“Pay To Win” Fnatic Jarvan skin

The skin that is under discussion is Fanatic Jarvan IV. It is a skin from 2014 that is pretty outdated. There isn’t much to recommend the skin besides the fact that it pays tribute to Fanatic’s triumph in the 2011 World Championship. The skin, despite having a dull appearance, has some advantages over his more recent ones.

Specifically, you can hide the motion of his’s E – Demacian Standard in the Fnatic skin. There is a glaring visible clue that Jarvan IV used the E before performing his Q – Dragon Strike if he performs the E+Q combo.

However, there is no indication that Fanatic Jarvan IV is casting E because the E animation is skipped and only the Q animation is displayed. So it’s impossible to determine whether Jarvan IV used Q alone or the E Q combo.

Image via Riot Games

As a result, you would continually have to speculate as to whether Jarvan IV used the E+Q combo or not. To make matters worse, his E Q into Ultimate is one of the game’s best interaction tools, and failing to respond to it appropriately can result in some undesirable circumstances.

Hopefully Riot will pay attention to the problem and solve it quickly.