Poppy Jungle: LCK’s choice for countering the jungle meta

Throughout Worlds 2021, we can easily realize that the Jungle meta in this tournament still revolves around champions like Lee Sin, Xin Zhao, and Jarvan IV. These are all champions with exceptionally high pick rates, especially Lee Sin in this patch 11.19 and providing teams with several choices for attacking and opening team fights.

Aside from the well-known champions listed above, a fairly unexpected champion in the Jungle position, Poppy, was also presented at Worlds 2021. Poppy Jungle was highly effective with both Oner and Canyon at Worlds 2021.

T1 Oner was the first to play Poppy Jungle

Why LCK player can turn Poppy into an effective jungler at Worlds?

As previously stated, there are many champions with dashing skills at the top of the Jungle meta. As a result, champions that can oppose these skills, like as Poppy, can disable them.

Lee Sin being the most presence Jungler in both Play-in and Group stage

Other hot-meta champions in the Single lane, like Tryndamere, Irelia, Renekton, and others, are also highly popular in addition to the Jungle role. As a result, defeating many opponents with simply Poppy is quite simple.

Poppy is perhaps most useful in team fight as she have a point-and-click charge skill, and with her Ult, she can briefly push one or more crucial champions from the opposing side out of the team fight, giving her team a significant advantage. The champion can easily split the team fight as well as breaking the opponent’s attacks.

Poppy’s annoyance was likely most seen in the game between DWG KIA and FunPlus Phoenix on October 15. while FPX chose champions like Lee Sin for Tian and Doinb’s Irelia, DK Canyon focused on Poppy. This is most likely a tactical pick for DK to fight the FPX lineup.

Image via Riot Games

Perhaps because they have realized it, the LCK representatives have prepared Poppy Jungle plan to play in important matches and increase the chances of going deeper at Worlds 2021. Other regions have already starting to learn how to use her in the Jungle and even find a way to counter her to avoid losing in any crucial stage.