Potential characters that can appear as future champions in League of Legends

After the shocking appearance of Ruined King in the trailer of Ruined King: A League of Legends Story, players are finding more potential characters from across the Runeterra Universe that they suggest to have a very high chance to appear in League as future champions.

One important part of League of Legends’ success is their interesting champions. Each time a new champion is released, they instantly make countless waves of discussion as well as raising curiosity and attention towards the game. Besides their well-designed skill set or unique playstyle, new champions also often have interesting lore that helps expand the Universe of Runeterra further. As players took some seriously deep look into the lore and hint of League of Legends, few potential characters proved that they can be one of the champions someday, just like how Yone, Sena, and maybe… Ruined King has done.

Master Doran

Master Doran – teacher of Master Yi

Master Doran, just like Master Yi, is also a Wuju sect disciple. He was Master Yi’s instructor, at the same time, was the man who forged Master Yi’s hat and Wukong’s weapon. As there is also an in-game line from Ornn in which he says: “I taught Doran everything” – which also suggests that Doran was one of his pupils as well.

With Ornn currently being the only champion who has special interactions with items. It will be interesting to count on the possibility that Doran will also have some kind of special interactions that can create certain counter-like situation against Ornn.

The fourth and the fifth Darkins.

Aatrox – The first Darkin to appeared in the game

According to the League of Legends lore, there are a total of five Darkins exist in the world of Runterra. So far, three of them have been released including Aatrox, Varus, and Kayn. All three of the known Darkins have similarities with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, representing War (Aatrox), Death (Kayn), and Plague (Varus). If Riot continues with this theme, the fourth Darkin will represent Famine while the Fifth could be a tyrant who leads all the Darkins in their quest to conquer the entire Runeterra. Together they can be very potential characters to appear in the future.


Call of Power | Ryze Cinematic – League of Legends

A few years ago Riot Games released a short film about Ryze collecting and storing Rune stones with enormous power so they wouldn’t fall into the wrong hands. According to the plot, at first Ryze was not alone on this journey, but accompanied by his mentor Tyrus. But due to some event, Ryze was no longer on the same path with Tyrus and continued on his own. So the community hypothesized that Tyrus had been confused by the stones and by their extraordinary power, that he later turned evil and wanted to take advantage of the power from the stones. If he appeared in the League of Legends universe, Tyrus might appear as an antagonist who possessed the power of the Runes.

Ruined King

The most potential character

On the day of the Worlds 2020 Final, Riot Games, posted a trailer for the game Ruined King: A League of Legends Story – the owner of the Blade of the Ruined King in League of Legends. As the community found many things in common between the Ruined King with the upcoming Riot Games champion they announced on the Champion Roadmap, from the symbol on the ring and the sword, to the heart on the shirt or simply from the name of this character. . If he make his appearance in Summoner’s Rift’s Summoner’s Rift, the Ruined King may have some special ability interactions with his sword.

Senna was teased long before her official release

Finally, an interesting fact is that in recent years Riot Games often released champions who have a certain relationship with older champions in League of Legends. For example, Kai’Sa is Kassadin’s daughter, Senna is Lucian’s wife, Yone is Yasuo’s brother,… so one (or a few) new champions could be friends, teachers, or companions with known characters. And the list above is some of the potential characters that partially satisfy those conditions. We can’t expect to see them any soon now, but as the community has successfully predicted some of the champions before, there is a very high chance that they can appear in League of Legends in the future.