Preseason 2022: Lethal Tempo is too broken, players demand another rework

As we all know, Riot did a complete rework of Lethal Tempo to fit in ADC better during the preseason 2022. The rune now boosts atk speed after each strike rather than increasing the amount of atk speed struck after damage. Your champion will acquire even more atk speed if you reach 6 stacks.

However, because the amount of atk speed gained from it is excessively high, champions that rely on atk speed became incredibly strong from the start of the game. As a result, rather than being a useful rune, Lethal Tempo has become a broken rune for several champions.

Typically, Yone and Yasuo can use their atk speed to drastically lower Q’s cooldown. As a result, they performed exceptionally well in first-level duels simply because the amount of damage they can utilize from Lethal Tempo.

1.49s Q cooldown at level 1

This plainly contradicts the goal of aiding powerful champions towards the end of a game, prompting the League community to demand that Riot nerf this rune, or simply convert it into a scaling rune.

Suggestion for Lethal Tempo to be a scaling rune

Melee champs should get 8% per stack at level 1 scaling to 14% per stack at level 18.”

“The rune isn’t a completely failed concept but it shouldn’t be this strong early game. Make it scaling for ADCs too so you don’t have Vayne and Caitlyn abusing it, make the range scale for ranged champs 10-100 extra range at levels 1-18.”

The Reddit user’s idea to change Lethal Tempo into a scaling rune isn’t a bad idea, having been supported by other players. This will put champions that scale with atk speed remains the same strength, while drastically lowering their potential in the early stage of the game.

Image via Riot Games

In fact, the above-mentioned criticisms of players are fully justified, as a large number of champions have gotten significantly stronger as a result of using Lethal Tempo. Yone, Jax, Yasuo are incredibly broken with high DPS.

Meanwhile, Riot’s first intention to rework the rune, ADCs, also benefits a lot (not as much as Duelists). Champions like Vayne, Jinx are one of many marksmen fit in the rune.

Image via Riot Games

Perhaps Riot Games hasn’t known that providing too many indications to a rune may have a negative impact on the meta.  Conqueror was once a broken rune with lots of damage and healing, and now the Lethal Tempo is about, too. We all hope that Riot could change this rune so that it won’t affect the players’ experience anymore.