Quick Gameplay thoughts 7/29: Riot Phroxzon on the state of healing and Grievous Wound

via Riot Games

Matt-Leung ‘Phroxzon’ Harrison, LoL’s lead game designer, shared some insight into current healing mechanics and its counter, Grievous Wound


There are 2 types of healing champions

  1. Incidental Healers (Nami, Ahri, Irelia, etc) have healing in their kit but it’s not their main source of power
  2. Core Healers (Aatrox, Soraka, Dr. Mundo, etc) have their entire gameplay identity based on healing

Satisfying healing is designed to be frustrating to play against. Seeing an opponent heals through your damage is supposed to be frustrating to you but gratifying for the enemy healer.

Hitting the right break points for healing can be difficult and requires feedback from players and careful balancing from devs.

Grievous Wound will be balanced to be optimal against 2+ heavy healers. It’s intended as a fail-safe to prevent heal stacking from becoming meta and ruining the gameplay, not to counteract any healing at all.

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Healing will receive further adjustments post 12.14 according to the closing thoughts

Patch 12.14 introduced tons of sustain nerf that mainly affects toplane including TP, potions and runes

Looks like we can expect more healing nerfs in near future. 12.10 Durability update has made champions a lot less susceptible to burst damage, but it has also indirectly made healing a lot more potent.

While these nerfs make sense, Grievous Wound remains mandatory yet not an effective counter to healing, due to the fact that the effect does not stack unlike the AD and armor example that Phroxzon gave. Having multiple sources thus is still mandatory yet not too useful on second thoughts.

Riot Games

It is frustrating having to purchase same items every game yet healing is still too strong regardless. Hopefully Riot gets the mechanics under control in time for Worlds 2022 this September.