League of Legends: Ranking the Champions released in 2020

Up to 6 champions have been released in 2020.

2020 has been a busy year for Riot. Just in this year, they released six new champions and this is something Riot has never done before.

Among these champions, there are champions that have become the hot picks of the season, but the rest are not so lucky. They have yet to find a place for themselves in the Fields of Justice and probably need a few more tweaks to appear more in League.

6. Rell

Rell is the latest support champion released in patch 10.25. About the skill sets, Rell is equipped with the necessary skill for a protective supporter in the bot lane. This girl has the ability to heal, create armor, subtract enemy armor, and is very strong in fighting phases with control effects such as knocking, stun, or sucking enemies in with Ultimate.

Rell (Credit: Riot)

At a glance the skill set, this is indeed a perfect support, but after debut, Rell is not receiving the attention of many League players. They think that this girl is not really strong as they think, the amount of damage she brings is not enough to finish off the enemy.

In addition, Rell’s movement speed is quite slow, so opening fights is quite difficult, the ultimate has not really had too much effect in big fights. Rell will probably need more attention from Riot in the coming versions if she does not want to be one of the disgraced champions in League of Legends.

5. Seraphine

Regardless of skills, Riot’s marketing strategies for Seraphine are well invested. This support girl was introduced as a singer – song writer and the next member of the K/DA group. Riot also sets up a separate Twitter for Seraphine so she can update her personal information.

Seraphine (Credit: Riot)

Fans, after learning about Seraphine, were looking forward to the appearance of this girl. However, after being released, Seraphine did not really leave an impression on the players, they rated her skill set quite similar to Sona and called her Sona 2.0.

Seraphine’s W has the ability to create armor, both heal and increase movement speed for allies in the affected area. This move is quite similar to Sona’s W and E, players have asked many questions about whether Riot has secreted the idea, so developing Seraphine is quite similar to Sona.

Seraphine probably needs more time to find herself a place in the new League of Legends meta and Riot will also have to pay more attention to this girl.

4. Yone

Yone is the champion with the most impressive debut in 2020. Introduced as Yasuo’s brother, Yone quickly attracted the attention of League fans. Yone was even invested in a short film by Riot to introduce this champion.

Kin of the stained blade – Riot’s Cinematic

It is a pity that Yone is not allowed to appear in professional tournaments due to some game error issues. Yone has the same skill set as his younger brother Yasuo, but the player can sympathize with that because they are two brothers and study the same sect so the same technique is normal.

Yone’s E is also quite an interesting move and is considered by many players to be a creative ability in the champion skill development of Riot. Hopefully, by 2021, we will see Yone appear more in professional tournaments in the hands of the players.

3. Lillia

When first released, Lillia is really a weak champion. Low health and relatively weak damage in the game makes her not choose too much. Receiving feedback on this, Riot made immediate changes to bring Lillia back to the Fields of Justice.

Lillia (Credit: Riot)

After the power boost, Lillia has become a hot pick in the jungler position with the ability to quickly clear jungle monsters and a steady amount of damage over the course of the game. Lillia was quickly selected by many professional players and became a hot champion in professional competition.

Lillia is highly regarded by the players for her forest clearing ability and high mobility with her passive. Lillia can quickly move between lanes and has a steady amount of damage throughout the game. At Worlds, Lillia has a bans rate of up to 62% (According to Leaguepedia) proves her charm in the professional arena.

2. Sett

Besides Lillia, Sett is also a pretty hot champion in professional play, he has a picks and bans rate at Worlds of 58%. Sett can also be selected to play in many positions such as top lane, jungle, mid or support.

The Boss – Sett (Credit: Riot)

Sett has a good base stat, high AD damage, and AP damage. In addition, he is also quite resistant to the amount of armor created from his W ability. With a strong skill set and flexible ability in choosing the position, Sett has received many edits from Riot to balance the strength of this gangster.

The Boss is now more balanced and will probably still be a hot pick in the next versions.

1. Samira

Samira is considered a maskman with a very interesting gameplay. Instead of keeping his position and trying to get rid of the enemy like normal ADCs, Samira will need to venture into the middle of the enemy team to be able to maximize the damage done.

Samira brings a new wind to the ADC position and is loved by many players. She has also lost strength several times since debut due to her overwhelm power. Despite nerfs, Samira is still finding a place in the pre-season and will probably get more chances to show up in 2021!