Rek’Sai is still having a serious bug after 7+ years

Despite being released over 7 years ago, Rek’Sai is still having many annoying bugs…

Rek’sai was released on December 11, 2014 (patch 4.21), which means nearly 8 years ago. She was originally created as a predator, a combination of an assassin and a bruiser. Her early game is incredibly dominating but quite harmless in late fights if the snowball is not huge enough. She was once a hot pick in pro leagues when the snowball meta was beloved. Sadly, in the current meta, the Void Burrower seems not to be that popular.

In spite of that long existing time on the Rift, Rek’sai’s codes are still containing some bugs. One of the lately serious bugs was that this champion could one-shot ANYTHING after digging beneath it! That bug was then fixed, but Riot seemed to have omitted a long-lasting bug. In a recent video posted on Youtube by Vandiril – the “bug god”, he showed that there is a bug having existed for over 7 years!

Specifically, her E didn’t allow her to go through a thick wall though her burrow was visually created. As you have seen in the video, Rek’sai obviously was crossing halfway through the wall but then went back as if nothing happened. Even in the second case, during the official match between VK and LDLC, after that bug had occurred, Leona was disconnected from the game! A player even joked that in fact, Rek’sai burrowed through the server’s bandwidth breaking the game. Another one said that he/she reported this bug to Riot 2 or 3 years ago, but they told him/her that it was not a bug, indeed it was intentional prevention for extra long tunnels…

Here are some responses from Rek’sai mains: