Renata Glasc is having relatively nice performances in pro leagues

Since first appearing in patch 12.4, Renata Glasc has been gradually counted on by several pro players in their league.

Renata Glasc was picked 9 times in total in the first week available in pro leagues, two of which appeared in LPL and LEC. Despite being well-known for “unbelievable” picks, LCS has not had her showing up so far, while LCK has not allowed their players to choose her.

Among those 9 picks, she only had 3 wins, two of which came from FNC Hylissang.

Although her efficiency has not been proved, a lot of teams watched out for Renata Glasc so they had to ban her in case she was out of control. She has been prohibited 17 times up to now, which seems to be inconsiderable compared to Zeri’s 50% banning rate.

Renata Glasc also had her debut in LPL

In the upcoming week, our new champion is expected to appear more and more regularly when all teams have had time to practice and operate their comps having Renata Glasc. Obviously, her mechanism is such incredible that nothing should be told before she is popularized.

However, some experts are afraid that Renata Glasc is not a successful champion from Riot as she has so many shortcomings and is not appropriate to the current meta. According to T1 Gumayusi, this is not a fight-opening Support, also not a poke one and her mobility is so poor that she hardly can appear in pro leagues much.