Huge Renekton changes hit PBE in the hopes of turning him into a mid and late-game monster

Renekton is one of those champions that everyone seems to despise. The champion has a lot of fighting potential from the start of the game, which makes laning quite difficult.

As a result, since Renekton gained a few improvements from the devs, the issue has grown even more frequent in the last two patches. His presence increased dramatically in both the professional scene and solo queue, causing Riot Games to make some modifications in the PBE for patch 12.17.

Renekton changes in Patch 12.17

These adjustments are intended to balance his early capabilities. It is critical to note that the modifications are neither nerfs or buffs. These improvements are being made to bring Renekton in line with other toplaners in the game.

While his base damage has been lowered, his scaling has improved in League of Legends. Depending on how players wish to play the champion, this update may receive various reactions.

Image via Riot Games

One of the most major responses about this champion is his early game power.

Aside from that, healing items have been nerfed, making exchanging hits with this champion even more intense. As a result, reducing his Q damage early in the game significantly reduces his lane supremacy.

It is still difficult to predict if players would choose Renekton if his scaling improves, considering his early game power made the champion so popular. Other champions scale considerably better than Renekton, implying that there are better choices.

Image via Riot Games

In any event, nothing can be claimed for definite until professional or high elo players check Renekton out and offer comments after his changes in patch 12.17.