Renekton is the only champion that has 100% ban rates in LCK Spring 2022

Renekton is OP!

Since the start of the 2022 LCK Spring Split earlier this month, a total of 38 games have been played, and one champion has yet to be picked even though he appears in every match pick/ban phase.

Image via Riot Games

Renekton, currently one of the best top laner in the game, is highly regarded by South Korean teams. So far, the champion has been banned in every match, resulting in an absurd 100% ban rate, which is quite unusual. On the red side of the map, he has been banned 33 times, but just 5 times on the blue side.

Renekton, on the other hand, was immensely powerful due to the length of his stun time recovered, and he is already a powerful champion, whether on his laning phase or in a team fight. Renekton can even easily 1vs2 without the assistance of other teammates, which is harder to achieve now that the Teleport has been modified.

Renekton, however, hasn’t been seen played by any LCK players, despite his strength. This champion appeared in 100% of the LCK Spring 2022 matches, yet he did not get picked in a single match. Perhaps the Butcher of the Sand may have to wait a bit longer to play in Korea’s top division.

Twisted Fate is another champion in the Korean league that has a 100% pick or ban rate, which was recently dragged down to 97%. Twisted Fate now has 4 games played and a solid 100% win rate on it.

Image via Riot Games

With the current update of Teleport, it’s not surprising that champions like Twisted Fate, who can travel over the map with his ult, have become a strong choice. Twisted Fate may now assist push the lane up quicker, allowing them to readily engage in fights regardless of whether or not there is a use of TP.