Riot accidentally revealed 2 Items that could replace ‘Teleport’ in League of Legends

Riot Games has officially unveiled the majority of the changes for Preseason 2023, with Season 12 finishing in less than two months

As additional information about the League 2023 preseason became available, people began to look at some of the new things Riot Games intends to introduce to the in-game shop. And some have found two additional hidden items that might permanently transform the way team strategy and develop.

2 items that could replace Teleport

Spideraxe20 pointed out a unique boot in the shop dubbed “Boots of Teleportation” on his Twitter in the PBE release.

These boots are made of a Ruby Crystal and Boots of Speed and cost 1,200 gold. The impacts, on the other hand, have piqued the interest of every players.

Image via Riot Games

A champion can channel for four seconds before teleporting to a place near an ally champion, turret, minion, or ward with the boots. This active ability has a cooldown of 240 seconds, which is one minute less than the existing cooldown for the Teleport summoner spell.

In a related manner, a new item known as the “Sword in the Stone” was also discovered. Destiny’s Call, the item’s active ability, also allows a player to teleport to an allied champion after a four-second channel, and will shield all close teammates on arrival, similar to Shen’s ult.

However, shortly after these items were revealed, designer Phlox indicated that they would not be released anytime soon and were just early research for top lane.

Image via Riot Games

Even said, the prospect of teleportation has many players wondering if Riot intends to phase away teleport as a summoner spell in the future and instead make it into purchasable items that anybody can use.

The concepts are intriguing, but Riot should not implement them anytime soon.