Riot Games: Ahri rework is tended to make players feel fun

Riot is going to give Ahri a mini-rework in season 12 to put her back into the meta

Image via Riot Games

Despite being one of League of Legends’ most iconic female champions, Ahri hasn’t actually been noticed by players for years. The Nine-Tailed Fox, which was formerly popular, has fallen out of the meta as the game moves on to season 12.

Riot Games has issued a brief Dev Blog update informing fans of the upcoming changes. Riot Axes, League of Legends gameplay designer, stated that her impact in the mid lane has diminished, and Riot wishes to bring her back, the modifications are intended to make Ahri “feel fun and well-supported.”

“In the case of Ahri and Janna, we’re working on them because we believe that players who they have previously resonated with aren’t enjoying them as much anymore. The goal is make them feel fun and well-supported.”

Image via Riot Games

Aside from the Season 11 item rework, Ahri has stayed largely unchanged since League of Legends patch 10.18, when Riot gave her a solid update by rearranging her passives and buffing her Fox-Fire. However, her playstyle is very identical to the one she uses now, with a few tiny tweaks, making her kit almost out-of-dated.

Riot intends to make modifications to her on a par with Lucian’s Season 11 update. Lucian was given a new intrinsic passive called Vigilance, which attempted to bind him to bot lane.

The specific adjustments for Ahri, on the other hand, have yet to be released. The same can be said about a release date for her mini-rework, which is scheduled in 2022.

“We do expect that if we succeed with this work, she’ll be more popular”

Image via Riot Games

With that being said, Ahri and Janna will be Riot’s first two champions with these mini-reworks or a “mid-scope champion adjustment”.