Riot Games plan on changing Fighter items in season 12

The upcoming season 12 will feature some major changes to Fighter

Season 12 begins in less than a month, and anticipation for a new season on Summoner’s Riot is rising. After introducing two new dragons to the game, more improvements are already on the way. Teleport changes, new items featuring in the game, including adjustments to bruiser and light fighter items.

League season 12 will bring some changes to Fighter

Image via Riot Games

Recently, Riot Games have published a quick Dev Blog updating fans on the changes coming. Riot Axes, League of Legends gameplay designer, outlined how the team wants to handle changes to the game in Season 12 in the short and long term.

Modifications to fighter items like Sterak’s Gage are among the more prominent changes coming to the game. Axes stated that the item is being changed since it has become a “universal purchase”, meaning it fits on any champions, regardless of their types (bruisers like Darius or Illaoi, versus light fighters like Fiora or Irelia).

He also stated that changes to Maw of Malmortious and Death’s Dance would be made “so that champions moving off Sterak’s would have adequate alternatives.”

Image via Riot Games

Aside from the item changes, the post also revealed other plans. Riot will continue to keep an eye on the Chemtech Drake and its Dragon Soul, along with its map adjustments, as well as testing out the new Unleashed Teleport on the PBE until it hit patch 12.1.

Janna and Ahri will also feature as 2 first-champion that Riot will implement changes to. These minor changes will be less significant than Tahm Kench rework but still similar to the recent Lucian update.

For now, Riot Axes stated that the official release date for these item changes has yet to be confirmed, but that they should be available in the first few patches of season 12.