Riot Games should learn DOTA2 and create many activation items

The items of League of Legends is mostly a static item, ie for internal stats, not for special activation…Riot Games should learn DOTA2 and create many activation items

Riot Games should learn DOTA2 and create many activation items

We may not notice it, but in many different ways, Riot Games is making the same champion position on the same map. Simple examples like mid-wizards, except for Ryze, every champion of this type can use Luden’s Echo…

It is true that they are strong and give a lot of real things but it does not make a big difference in the style of play of the champions.

activation items

What makes this situation happen is that Riot regularly updates a large class of champions, launching a series of powerful item that surpasses the past for them to use.

Gradually, each champion has only one or two main entrances and the story revolves around whether the champions makes the best use of those items or not.

Perhaps because of this situation, the community is calling for Riot to diversify shop.

League really needs more items

Dont get me wrong I love league and still find enjoyment in the game as a whole and have for a long time.

New champs and reworks are cool and interesting I just wish riot would slow those down in an effort to make the game a little more diverse.

I’m a top lane main so I feel theres a good amount of matchups that keep the game entertaining however I just wish I didnt see the same ap items every game where mages just go (generic ap mana cdr item into zonyas into more ap cdr) and adcs didnt just go maybe bork into full crit and ad assassins didnt just go 1 out of the 4 lethality items into another of them into another of them.

Tanks in general are just not really good outside of a couple that are too good so I dont see a lot of them. I think the only role where i see a lot of flexibility in items is support.

I’m not a big fan of dota’s gameplay however the one thing I do feel they do a lot better is items. Each item in that game feels super unique with a lot of identity from the item.

activation items

Some more actives would be cool. Its a shame the playerbase are apparently scared of them according to Riot (See patch note for edge of night active->passive change)

This really limits the scope for items in league. Even after 10 seasons, items still remain as nothing more than stat sticks to to this repeated pandering to the casual/low elo base.

‘Edge of Night is the defensive Lethality option, but attaching that function to an active with a steep learning curve has made it ineffective for many aspiring assassins.’

F*ck*n* lol, which one of you was struggling to use this, seriously

activation items

I think a big part of this comes from the difference between DOTA and League. DOTA is way more strategy and knowledge based than league is and you need to be smart about what item actives you buy and when you use them, and theres more room to find the right opportunity to use your actives becuase the game is a lot slower than league is and combat is much more about positioning and decision making, whereas in league combat is about quick movement, landing/dodging skillshots, etc.

Fights in League are much much faster and require more fast reactions/mechanics and dota is more knowledge and decisions. So having a lot of item actives is way easier to manage in a game like dota but in league since combat is so often based almost entirely on instincts, learning how to use every single item active properly would be way harder.

activation items

Because of the design of the game, i think items being stat sticks is actually the better choice than having them be based around their actives.

activation items

A few days ago, Riot Games announced a plan to strengthen the ADC position, although changes in the stats or equipment still make many gamers unhappy.

Wild Rift will be tested with 36 champions

What makes ADC so weak compared to other positions is that their skill sets are mostly used for damage, items are also full for damage indicators, so the gameplay is too one colour.

activation items

Perhaps it is time for Riot Games to stop creating so powerful passive items that it should find ways to design new active items. It both pushes the player up, is easier to balance to create the diversity that the LoL store is lacking.

Information From: Reddit