Riot Games talks about getting more champions rework

Many names have been given by the League of Legends community to predict who will be the lucky champion to be ‘rework’ by Riot Games.

Champions rework

With a game that has turned 10 years old like League of Legends, it is obvious that there are many champions with outdated gameplay and gradually not keeping up with the game changes. Accompanied by the rework of those characters so that more attractive to gamers is also a must-do job of Riot Games.

Most recently, we had two big and small reworks of Fiddlesticks and Wukong and both received relatively good feedback. The next character to be remade is the Volibear, in recent days, gamers have gradually been revealed by Riot Games more details about the remake. Just last night we got word from the League of Legends development team that next month will be Volibear’s makeover.

champions rework

However, that’s not all that Riot Games has revealed about the rework of champions. In comments on Reddit, the lead producer of League of Legends, Riot Reav3, listened to the fact that another remake project has entered the development phase, just yet to be announced. The special feature here is that this remake champion is separate from the previously announced champion pool.

champions rework
champions rework

Riot Reav3: The poll is not meant to encompass every champ that needs a VGU, and we wor’t only do VGUSs for champs that win polls. We currently have a unannounced VGU in early development right now, for example. Like If Voli and Fiddle weren’t basically tied in the last poll, we still would have done another VGU this year, independent of the poll.

Player: Bụt that unannounced VGỤ is aiming for 2021?

Riot Reav3: Correct

Player: Will you be talking about the unannounced VGU in the upcoming Champion Roadmap?

I mean, its obviously very early so I wouldn’t expect anything more than a few teaserish Words on ít if you did.

BTW, Im really excited that we’re getting a VGU outside of the pollt Thank you!

Riot Reav3: Yes, I Will be talking about it in the roadmap

Player: When is the next roadmap sorry to be annoying Im just so excited!!!

Riot Reav3: Should be shortly after Voli hits live servers

Player: This roadmap will reveal the two new champs or it is too early and they will be revealed when they hit pbe?

Player: Probably not revealed, but m sure we’ll get more teasers for them.

Riot Reav3: The roadmap will go over those 2 new champs as well as another new champ we havent talked about yet

Gamer discovered Animation of Volibear rework

Immediately after this publicity from one of the important employees of Riot Games, the LoL community once again had the opportunity to guess and guess which champion will be the next remake. A lot of “very sensible and convincing” names have been given, but the most mentioned champion is probably Shyvana, who came in third after Volibear and Fiddlesticks in the remake poll.

champions rework

Given how she was Just shy of getting ¡n for the VGU cuz of overwhelming support for Voli and Fiddle, I wouldn’t be surprised if Riot said “Yeah lets do her of our dwn accord, and have the VGU poll open for other champs”. Itd mean that Shyvana, whord likely be a clear winner in sụch a poll, woufd be oụt of the rụnning from the get go, so other champs get a chance.

With the sharing of Riot Reav3, we can be assured that in the future League of Legends will have more new characters or old champions transformed, even it will come in a specific route. In the immediate future, there will be 2 new champions teased from before, then there will be upgrades from small to large of the old generals, even the story of Riot suddenly revealing a brand new character coming soon full probable.

Information From: Youtube