Riot Games to make TFT: Double Up a permanent game mode

The Double Up game mode from TFT is now a permanent game mode of the auto battler

In Teamfight Tactics’ Double Up mode, two players team up to fight three other two-player teams using unique techniques. Previously, the mode was part of Riot Games’ Labs initiative, which aimed to find new ways for players to enjoy Teamfight Tactics. The game was apparently highly welcomed by both fans and the devs, as seen by its continued existence.

Doubling down on Double Up

The prospect of playing TFT with your friends has always appealed to the devs.  Standard lobbies throw everyone against each other in an 8-player free for all matches, but good teamwork of units from a shared pool and playing through round after round is a fantastic notion. TFT: Double Up corrects this and encourages collaboration by allowing players to transfer their teammate’s units, items, and gold.

According to the dev blog discussing Double Up, the game mode aims to cater to more casual friends who want more options to cooperate gaming inside the League of Legends client with a completely new rating system based on colors rather than types of metal. Similar efforts in League of Legends have mostly failed, with ARAM, Nexus Blitz, and other game modes failing to hold up over time.

Image via Riot Games

Double Up has exceeded all of our expectations. We’re gobsmacked by its success”

The Hextech Augments system, which debuted in Gadgets & Gizmos, contributed to Double Up’s success. Choosing various augments lets teammates to effectively plan into various compositions, avoiding important unit battles. Furthermore, delivering vital units to your friends or supplying any component they want for an item feels amazing for both players.

Image via Riot Games

Double Up appears to be around League for a while, which seems to be a victory for the whole Teamfight Tactics community. Riot claims that, like the standard mode, it will continue improving different features of the mode as it progresses.