Riot is experimenting Amumu’s new Q on the PBE

Riot is currently testing with some new adjustments for Amumu right now and, if possible, the experiment might see some positive feedback and will eventually be introduced on the live servers in League patch 11.17.

Image via Riot Games

According to the lead game designer Jeevun Sidhu, the main goal of this small adjustments is to make the champion “better” in high elos. The developers are adding a second charge to his Bandage Toss (Q) and “pulling power out of other places”.

Amumu is getting his Q 2 charges

If these adjustments make it to the live servers, he will receive 2 gap closer dash. Missing a Bandage Toss will be less hard for lower-ranked players, while higher-ranked players will have greater options when engaging in combats and ganking lanes.

Though, players are still ambiguous about the Q charges, Jeevun Sidhu stated that the mechanics will be similar to Catilyn’s trap (W) or Teemo’s mushroom (R) that will have an ammo system with a lower cooldown and multiple charges stored.

Currently, Amumu is not performing well at all. The champion is, if not, ranked as the worst jungler in the game right now with a win rate of only 45.42% and a pick rate of 0.58%, according to OP.GG. The same goes to professional tournament as the champion has not yet to be picked.

These mini-rework are hoped to be a savior for Amumu. On League’s PBE, players can try out the Amumu changes. These changes, if successful, will go live on August 25.