Riot might have teased Akshan’s theme track

Riot may have revealed the newest member of their champions list. Riot had already provided an exclusive peek at League of Legends future champion Akshan via the Sentinel of Light puzzle and it was confirmed that the 156th champion will be available in the upcoming patch 11.14 on July 8, also will begin “Sentinels of Light,” Riots’ largest event for League.

Image via Riot Games

Though League of Legends’ 156th playable character will not be available for almost ten days, Riot may have already teased his theme track to players.

Riot recently tweeted a 72-second teaser titled “Ruination plunges the planet into shadow” that depicted shots from a Runeterran city being engulfed by the Black Mist of the Ruined King.

According to a fan, the leitmotif heard in the 47th second of the teaser is very likely Akshan’s character theme. This also gave players a taste of what Riot has in store of the game.

Akshan will begin his Summoner’s Rift voyage by combating the Shadow Isles’ undead spirits

Image via Riot Games

The 20-second melody, which is thought to be the theme song for League of Legends’ new champion, is also used by Riot towards the end of the Ruination Cinematic. With fans able to decipher the intricacies of the theme’s composition, Akshan’s revelation became less obvious.

As a result, many believe that the ending theme from Riot’s recent teaser video hints at his theme track, which will be formally released soon in League of Legends. However, the whole thing is just speculative, and Riot has yet to provide any further information about champion number 156 until the upcoming patch 11.14.