Riot nerfed bruisers, but they forgot Irelia

Riot Games did not nerf the healing of Irelia’s Q in her mini-rework in patch 11.14!

If you are a bruiser lover, you will easily see that Riot Games have recently nerfed the lane sustain of them. For example, in patch 11.12, Renekton’s Q has been nerfed on its healing when used on non-champ targets. Viego is even worse when his Q’s healing on minions was reduced to 10% in the last patch 11.15.

This seems to be an effective way of Riot in nerfing bruisers as they can both deal a lot of damage and stay alive too long in laning or fights. However, Irelia appears to be an exception when she was completely immune. She can win a 1v2 easily with just a Vampiric Scepter and there are tons of highlights of this on YouTube. This is a huge problem that was given to Riot lately by the community.

A complaint on Reddit about Irelia has received over 5.3k upvotes in just 2 days
Another player had an idea that Riot need to nerf lifesteal on minions due to its powerful snowball ability

In patch 11.14, Riot gave Irelia a mini-rework and helped her to be stronger a bit. The most nonsense thing about this is that its healing remains unchanged, but its additional damage on minions was increased. As a result, Irelia will become a monster with just a Vampiric Scepter – an item which price is 900!

This is definitely not the first time you see this meme, but it still makes sense so far

In a game that bruisers’ healing was monitored, the OP healing and lane sustain of Irelia is obviously unfair. She is now a relatively perfect champion with strong laning, long lane sustain, high mobility, CC, etc. If you do not have Grievous Wound soon, she would dominate you severely, I promise.