Riot plans to add a Champion Select penalty later on this year

Riot continues to discuss the current update on behavioral and competitive systems on gameplay.

Recently, Riot uploaded their Dev Blog about the mid-year update. In the blog, the product manager for competitive gameplay and behavioral systems, Cody “Codebear” Germain, covered a variety of subjects concerning of their huge upcoming update which also included the Champion Select penalties.

Champion Select Penalties will be delayed

Unfortunately, Riot still hasn’t been able to introduce it to players and will have to postpone its arrival. Riot was intended to link it to a punishment system, but the developers have “been unable to make that promise a reality,”.

Image via Riot Games

“Later on in the year, we hope to get our systems into place to issue penalties and mitigations directly in Champion Select. We’ll focus on immediate action in Champ Select, including deterrent solutions for game impacting picks/bans, potentially including scenarios where we can kill the lobby immediately.”

Riot first launched a Champion Select reporting and muting tool last year around patch 10.13 and 10.14 with the goal of gaining a clear understanding of how often different types of negative behaviors occur in champ select, and the different impacts they have in-game.

Riot is now working at linking reports given in Champion Select to the post-game page while the punishment system is delayed. Riot intends to expand this to include additional disruptive behaviors later this year. While it may not be as quick as if it occurred during the pre-game queue, griefers may face various punishments after the event.