Riot has confirmed reverting ARAM controversial Tower after players’ criticism

After getting complaints from the League of Legends players, a Rioter has disclosed on Twitter that they will be reverting the ARAM tower rubble

The Howling Abyss saw the most changes when “Tower Rubble,” a feature that causes towers to leave behind detritus in the center of the lane, was added in patch 12.23 as Riot Games’ first big update to League of Legends’ ARAM game mode in almost ten years. And now, the devs are reverting the changes due to fans’ terrible experience.

Riot is removing the ARAM Tower Rubble

Tower rubble will no longer be present in the League of Legends game mode ARAM, according to Rioter Maxw3ll.

“I think it was an interesting mechanic that ultimately led to more degenerate states than value it provided.”

The adjustments will be removed in Patch 13.5/6, according to Maxw3ll, who recently responded to caster Azael’s tweet. He also stated that the rubble itself was a trial conducted during the early ARAM preseason. But they have acknowledged that they are taking it out because they think the technician caused more damage than good.

To create more interesting situations on the map that break away from the typical straight line of ARAM, Tower Rubble was first introduced in early 2023. The concept, however, did not go over well with players because it added a significant choke point to the grid. The Tower Rubble’s blurred vision limited movement, which was, to be honest, a stressful experience for the players.

Even though the addition of Hexgates to the one-lane map and some other ARAM adjustments have been widely praised, Tower Rubble has made the already-tiny map feel even more constrained. Many League of Legends players have voiced their satisfaction with the adjustments Riot is making and the elimination of the feature.

Image via Riot Games

Having said that, Tower Rubble will be removed on March 8 or 22 in line with the Patch Schedule, so ARAM players won’t have to contend with the terrain once more.