Players suggest Riot should permaban people who ruin ranked games

After years of what they perceive as Riot’s carelessness, League of Legends players are pushing for permabans for people who run it down in ranked games

Toxicity and grief are widespread in League, with players leaving the game as soon as something bad happens. Players rarely have the attitude to compete and win games even when they are in an unfavorable condition., particularly in ranked.

It’s disheartening for players to enter a rated match hoping to play a competitive game and maybe advance their rank, only to have their experience entirely ruined by a player trying to ruin the match — regardless of whether they have a cause or not.

Permabans for griefing in ranking matches

While players have been purposely destroying games since the game’s beginning, players who want Riot to take action were also around.

A Reddit user by the name ‘jamalspezial’ detailed his encounters with players griefing their games in a post on the official League of Legends subreddit, noting that they’ve been “on and off” and that such things still happens frequently in ranked.

Today I had a support AFK from 5 minutes because he died twice and whined about the ADCs playstyle”

An Amumu jungler says the game is over and just runs around in sidelanes during the entire game even though we got 3 kills level 1 and got baron 4v5 with him running around not caring”

The Reddit poster went on to describe his experiences, which spanned several years, and how they had two distinct situations, in different games, when players purposely destroyed the game.

This sort of conduct spurred a Reddit user to advocate for permanent bans on the players who commit these acts, recognizing that, while a mechanism to penalize griefing may be difficult to implement, Riot should nevertheless act.

Others were critical of Riot’s disciplinary mechanism, or lack thereof, saying, “The fact that there is no manual review for this is the problem…”

Griefing occurs not only in League, but also in other games. Only time will tell if Riot will respond to fans’ opinions.