Riot to release new Arcane-themed Summoner’s Rift map to League

As the launch of Riot Games’ new animated series, Arcane, approaches, fans of League of Legends will be able to enjoy some fresh-new visuals on Summoner’s Rift.

Image via Riot Games

On the evening of November 1st, Riot officially announced Riotx Arcane. This is an event to promote the upcoming Arcane will debut on Netflix and beyond to open up their ambitions for a universe of its own around Runeterra. Also, the Arcane event can be considered the main event of Riot in 2021 when in terms of size and investment.

The developers are adding whole tons of new features to tie the game to the program. Four new skins for Caitlyn, Jinx, Vi, and Jayce will be released to the game, each reflecting their appearance in the Netflix series, Arcane. These skins will be free to buy. Likewise, the whole map will also be revamped with Arcane-themed.

In terms of gameplay, League will receive its major preseason updates for 2022. This next year will be unlike any other, with new dragon buffs: Hextech and Chemtech (also matching the theme of Arcane) and tons of new things being introduced to the shop. Players will enter a new universe with several opportunities to master various builds while encountering as much as season 12 can offer.

With that being said, Caitlyn is also getting her in-game VFX updates, perhaps to match with the ever-evolving League style and also to celebrate her debuted in the Netflix series.

This Arcane event can be considered the main event and will almost certainly be invested in the long run, and Arcane-themed for League is just one small project in all of Riot’s plans.