Rumor: Uzi will come back to professionals?

The LPL Legendary player – Uzi is coming back to LPL?

For just a few hours later, rumors about Uzi coming back to LPL has been spreading all over the communities and on Weibo. Apparently, there has been information from a status from a very reliable source that has confirmed that over half of the LPL teams have been trying to bring Uzi back to the professional arena. Even VPGAME – A gaming press of China has then later shared this status.

Rumors that Uzi is coming back with a 100 million RMB worth contract

The mentioned status: “As we all known Uzi, so the fact that he is coming back playing as a professional player can’t be too crazy, right? Lately, I have received information that half of the LPL teams are trying to get him back. When I heard about this, it can be almost confirmed. In fact, his contract can be worth up to 100 million RMB, although I can not tell you any more details, this information is real.”

VPGame later shared this status with a caption: “A few hours ago, this person has shared information that Uzi is coming back to LPL, what worth noticing is that this person was the one who revealed that Maybe and Fly will leave PSG.LGD to join a new DOTA2 team that is called 4AM”.

He will be back?

Not so long ago, Uzi shared on his stream that he spends about 20 hours per day for streaming and plays 8-9 rank matches per day – this is the daily routine of a professional player. With that much work he spends every day, he told fans that his health is still going on well, which somehow implies that he is ready to come back to the professional arena in the upcoming 2021 season.

His hardworking is a sign that he is ready to comeback?

The legendary ADC player is currently spending a lot of time in Rank playing Duo with Rookie – This gave fans hints that he will play for Invictus Gaming in the upcoming season. If this becomes true, Uzi will, for sure, help IG solving their bot lane dilemma which they have to face lately. But, of course, whether this beautiful scenario can come true is a matter that only time can answer, all we can do right now is to be patient and wait…

Uzi and Rookie has been spending many time playing together