Mysterious “Samira Easter Egg” File on PBE Server – Samira as next Season 10 champion ?

A batch of files with “SamiraEasterEgg” in their names have been found in the latest PBE cycle, probably referencing a new champion going by the name of Samira.

Mysterious PBE emote
A myriad of files containing the “SamiraEasterEgg” suffix at the end of every file name.

On the champion road map released on June 2020, Riot Games also teased an “all thrill-seekers” champion. The said character is depicted as “a new marksman, dressed to slay, coming later this year”. Perhaps the gaming company behind League of Legends is trying to revolutionize the bot lane by adding more and more marksmen options. The latest being Senna who also functions as support, and Aphelios whose kit is overly problematic to balance.

The teaser of the “All Thrill-Seekers” champion has the same sigil as the aforementioned emote.

Patch 10.16 is also online on the PBE server. We will update every information about the patch, along with our analysis once all the needed insights are available.

Read about the upcoming champion Yone.