ScrubNoob: “New” Rengar is too easy to play?

Riot Games have recently revealed their modifications on Rengar and the pro Rengar ScrubNoob seemed to protest…

Lately, RiotPhlox – the designer on the Summoner’s Rift team, has brought the details and aims of Rengar’s upcoming updates to players. He shared that the changes on this champion next patch aimed at lower-elo players – the ones who are not so skillful.

Right after those updates had been published, a Challenger streamer named “ScrubNoob“, who specializes in Rengar, struck back furiously. His point was that “required skills” to make use of this champion would be lessened severely. He even said that “new” Rengar would be too easy to use, just like Xin Zhao!

One of the main reasons for his angry reaction was that Riot reduced the maximum stack of Ferocity from 4 to 3. If your skill is not too bad, everything you need to do to maximize your Ferocity is jumping into an enemy and use all your non-ult skills. Sounds much easier than ever before, doesn’t it?

Meanwhile, in live servers now, players have to calculate every stack of his passive and consider any risks that can happen in ganks to make sure that they will definitely have a takedown. Just imagine that you miss a kill because of lacking 1 Ferocity to use upgraded Q or E, or cannot escape as upgraded W is not available. This is obviously the gap between a pro and noob Rengar.

Riot apparently want to bring a more “pleasant” experience to new and lower-elo players

The above modifications from Riot are obviously still being tested and they completely can be gotten rid of or adjusted in the future. Hopefully, those furious lines from ScrubNoob will influence Riot and make them regard what they did. Easier Rengar is nice, but a bit high difficulty in gameplay must remain unchanged.