Sentinels of Light event was reported for having multiple progress bugs

The Sentinels of Light event is about to come to an end with only a few days remaining until 10th of August. The last two chapters of League of Legends’ Sentinels of Light event were revealed recently. This implies that players have been occupied with completing games in order to discover about Viego and all the Sentinels characters involved with the event.

However, it appears that a progress bug has occurred that has disabled players from going through the event entirely, causing even more irritation among League of Legends players.

Progress bug in Sentinels of Light event

It appears that players have been unable to proceed through the event since these last chapters were released since players can’t receive points from ARAM or TFT. It is inconclusive, and at times, gamers do not receive anything in return.

In certain situations, missions are not completed despite fulfilling the goals. Then, players are dissatisfied, as the entire event has already garnered negative feedback from them. Players have also complained about random disconnects when playing ARAM games.

The Sentinels of Light event, regarding as Riot’s biggest event that has ever been done, has not been the most successful till now. The point system was the first reason why players are dissatisfied with the event. The number of points necessary to complete a chapter kept growing, while the number of points won for each match remained relatively low.

This time, as the new chapter was released, Players have been unable to proceed through the event since no points from TFT or ARAM are dropping.

Riot themselves are now investigating the issue and hopefully, the bug will be fixed soon in time for players to keep up with their progress.