Seraphine Changes: Will She Become The Second Karma?

Riot keeps their promise by releasing their adjustments for Mid Seraphine a couple hours ago.

League of Legends’ 152th Champion – Seraphine has her rough debut recently when she receives multiple negative attitudes against her. For example, her Champion Spotlight up to now has got 68.000 dislikes and kept growing. Not only her lore is really disturbing that leads to a whole campaign called “#JusticeForSkarner”, but her in-game mid stats are also somewhat miserable, she is currently having a 19% pick-rate in the mid lane and her win-rate is not positive at all (<50%).

Sadly, most players are now using her as a Support champion, which really fits the title that the community gives her “Sona 2.0”. She reaches nearly 80% pick-rate in the Support role. In order to fix this, Riot Mark “Scruffy” Yetter had posted on Twitter how they were going to change her in the next Patch 10.23.

He stated: “First patch is showing us that Seraphine has been skwed towars Support more than intended so we’re adding adjustments to 10.23 to shift her primary position to Mid. Support is quite good right now, so these shouldn’t remove the position, just bring it to a reasonable state.”

All the changes that will be made: We’re pushing the distinction between mid and support Seraphine. Mid Sera, who will be higher level throughout the game, will have better access to scaling damage via the Passive and Q changes and can now use E more comfortably for waveclear when needed. Support Sera won’t be able to hit those same levels or damage numbers, but will still be able to lean on E-max to provide consistent CC for her team.

Even though Riot does state quite clearly that they still want to keep Seraphine a viable option in Bot Lane, players who are currently loving her and ultilizing her in Bot Lane have shown some serious concern about these changes.

As for these changes, we are somehow thinking Seraphine has some similarities to Aatrox. They all really need as high level as possible to perform well and now with the changes that Seraphine is going to receive, maybe she will reach her peak after level 9 when her Q – High Note is maxed out and some decent small items. Let’s see if Riot can somehow balance her in the mid lane but still able to keep her in the bot lane.

When thinking about balancing out such a high ultility champion like Seraphine, it’s an extremely hard task for the balance team. In the past, we already had Top Tank Karma which created a frustration shockwave throughout the Summoner’s Rift. Making her to strong, she can basically build anything and still become a killing machine, nerfing her too much, well, players would rather pick more simpler champions than having to use her.