Seraphine Receives A Widely Popular Campaign That Stands Against Her #JusticeForSkarner

Seraphine is the latest champion that is debuted in League of Legends, however, she has created a controversial phenomenon that revolved around her voice line.

On October 30th, Seraphine’s Spotlight was released on the League of Legends channel. As for its purpose, it’s just a normal, ordinary video in order to introduce her abilities and her playstyle to players. The special thing here is her Spotlight receives more than 42k dislikes and the number won’t stop growing.

#JusticeForSkarner Campaign

Maybe lots of people don’t believe it but the fact that the League of Legends community hates her is the real thing. Even to the point that they are persuading everyone to ban her in every match. There is even a campaign called “Justice for Skarner” on Reddit to stand against her and it has received positive supports and reactions from the community. This trend can be considered to be even bigger and more serious than players gathered signatures to remove Zoe from the game in the past.

There are some pictures below to show how the community really stands against her lore:

Why Is This A Trend?

We have already covered in the article: “Seraphine: A Rude, Cruel Famous PopStar?”. To simply explain it, when she talks to Skarner, she even mentions how his species extinct. Skarner’s lore is fairly lamented when he had to witness his tribe being murder until death for Hextech crafting purpose. We don’t totally get the reason why Riot chooses to go on this dark path. Maybe she is way too naive, too young to understand what she is saying, but this is pretty creepy.

When Seraphine meets Skarner she even says: “I miss your kind too, Skarner. Would you like to hear their song?”. This is obviously really offensive when looking at Skarner’s Lore. There is even one paragraph in Skarner’s Lore showing how sad he is in the journey searching for his kind: “Though Skarner’s search is lonely, he sometimes hears the cold, disembodied song of a lost crystal drawing nearer, only to fade once more. It is a feeling that brings hope and anguish in equal measure, and he focuses his sorrow into unshakable determination, knowing that the survival of the brackern race is all that matters.”

Riot’s Response

Marc “Tryndamere” Merrill on Riot Co-founder, Co-Chairman of Riot has confirmed that Seraphine’s lore will be remade in order to ease the community. She has been one the most impressive champion who receives a really big debut but stumbled multiple obstacles on her way.