Skarner is the first to join “the-2000-day with no new skin club”

The Crystal Vanguard has not received a new skin since the release of Guardian of the Sands in 2015, making him the first member of a very exclusive 2,000-day skinless club. Shyvana, who is already more than a year shy at a comparatively modest 1,605 days at the time of writing, is the next potentially incoming member.

For the sake of contrast, Kai’Sa, who was released in 2018, already has seven skins in her name. Skarner has accrued just four since his release in 2011, marking an average of almost three years between each skin.

Granted, the audition by Skarner for K/DA was more a sting than a treat to the eyes. To rub more salt into his wound, the new star Seraphine’s Runeterra lore uses one of his fellow Bracken’s crystals as a floating sound amplifier.

There is, though, some reprieve for Skarner mains. The drought is going to last for a bit longer, but Riot dev has previewed a new skin for the scorpion jungler which looks pretty sweet.