League of Legends: Snowball guide for bot lane by GRF Viper

These experiences will help ADC players to make use of what they already have and win the game more easily.

In solo/duo ranked, winning your lane is extremely essential as it provides you with far greater power than the enemy bot laners. With ADC laners, winning a lane means destroying the enemy bot-lane turret. However, most of them, especially the ones staying in low elo, have no idea where to go after that and then lose all their advantages. So, let’s take a look at this guide provided by Viper – the ADC player of GRF.

The first thing you have to do after the first bot-lane turret is to have an eye on your top lane. If your top laner is losing or just tie, you should call him for a swap. This is to protect your top laner from getting worse and help him come back to the game.

Moreover, ADC with Support on top lane will create a 2v1 matchup and give pressure on the enemy top laner. You should try to push fast or even destroy the first top-lane turret to gain a large number of golds. This will completely get rid of all the advantages that the enemy top laner has previously had.

On the other hand, if your top laner is having the dominance, your mission now is to have pressure on the second bot-lane turret. This will force the enemy bot laners to defend it and prevent them from moving around. However, to do this, you have to make sure that the enemy team does not have any chance to attack you from the rear.

The first thing you have to do is giving a Control Ward on the triple-lobed bush beneath the Gromp. Then, the jungle near the bot lane as well as the bushes on the river have to be under control by using Oracle Lens. This will forbid the enemies from teleporting and slaying you easily.

Control Wards on bushes…

Obviously, if the enemy team insists on attacking, you have to call your team to counter their gank as soon as possible. Your winning chance now is extremely high as the enemy ADC player has been losing the lane and lacking items. Otherwise, continuing pushing or even taking the Drakes are nice options.

Good vision controlling will help your team to counter ganks much safer

In most cases, this guide will help ADC players to enlarge their advantages and take the entire game. We hope that this tip from Viper to have more wins and improve your elo better.