Taliyah and Olaf mini rework is on the horizon

After the success of Janna and Ahri mini rework, Taliyah and Olaf will be the next champion to receive gameplay update from Riot Games

Aside from full-scale reworks, Riot Games has introduced a combination of approaches, including mini rework for modifying the kits of League of Legends champions that have fallen out of the meta, such as Ahri and Janna earlier this year. Two other champions are receiving modifications in similar manner, perhaps lifting them out of obscurity and bringing them into greater use on the Rift.

Riot August, League’s main champion designer, said today that “mid-scope improvements” for Taliyah and Olaf are in the works but will not be available on live servers for many months. These improvements made in the mini rework are comparable to those made to Ahri and Janna in order to make them more viable options as League’s champion roster evolves.

“These changes attempt to revitalize characters that have lost a bit of their shine over time,” August stated. “Ideally they’re something the players of those champs can be excited about.”

Image via Riot Games

“Mid-scope updates,” as August describes them, aren’t full-scale reworks of champions, but rather minor changes to their kits that aren’t too shocking while nevertheless having a substantial influence on their pick rates, similar to Ahri mini rework. He added that Riot has made similar tweaks to champions in the past, citing Xin Zhao, Sona, and Lucian as examples.

Image via Riot Games

According to OP.gg, Taliyah has a 52.14 percent win rate in the jungle but remains a niche option owing to the current condition of the jungle meta. She is practically seldom seen in the mid lane, where she was supposed to play. Olaf has also dropped out of the jungle meta, with a 49.25-percentage rate.

It is unknown what adjustments will be made to these two champions, but based on the other “mid-scope improvements,” they will most certainly increase their strength in their roles—possibly even shifting Taliyah back into the mid lane with this mini rework. More information is coming later this year.