TFT Glitched Out patch 13.6 official notes: New Units, Cosmetics, Reworked Augments, and more

With patch 13.6, Set 8.5: Glitched Out is finally making its way to Teamfight Tactics.

Teamfight Tactics (TFT) Patch 13.6 will see the formal release of Set 8.5: Glitched Out to live servers. It will not only make significant adjustments to the champions, but it will also significantly alter the game’s meta.

This patch will introduce new cosmetics such as Little Legends and battle arena skins. In addition, the patch will balance the gaming features in Double Up mode, alter the user interface of certain items, tweak certain augments, and totally rework a few traits, items, and hero augments.

Here are the changes that are coming to TFT patch 13.6. For the full description of TFT Glitched Out patch 13.6, players can see it here.

Image via Riot Games

TFT Set 8.5 Glitched Out patch 13.6 notes

Hero Augment Reworks

Annie – Reflector Shield ⇒ Pyromania: Gain an Annie. Her spell is larger, and every cast, she stuns all targets hit for 1.5 seconds.

Fiora – Frontline Fencing ⇒ Grand Challenge: Gain a Fiora. Every 4 attacks on the same champion, she deals 20% of her maximum health as magic damage, and heals for 9% of her maximum health.

Fiora – Vitality of the Ox ⇒ Vitality of the Ox (no name change): Gain a Fiora. When you field her, your team heals 25% of their maximum Health every 10 attacks.

Yasuo – Siphoning Winds ⇒ Winds of the Wanderer: Gain a Yasuo. His spell is larger and deals 20% damage.

Alistar – Smash! ⇒ Stubborn: Gain an Alistar. Combat start: He 50% Shreds (MR reduction) all enemy units for 1.5 seconds.

Alistar – Behemoth ⇒ Behemoth (no name change): Gain an Alistar. He gains 350 maximum health. His ability hits all adjacent enemies, and deals bonus damage to his primary target equal to 25% of his maximum health.

Jax – Evasion ⇒ Grandmaster’s Training: Gain a Jax. When you field him, your team gains 20 Armor and 15% Attack Speed. These bonuses are doubled when your strongest Jax dies.

Kai’Sa – Star-Crossed ⇒ Reconnaissance Team: Gain a Kai’Sa. At the start of combat, Kai’Sa and her two closest allied champions gain 40% Critical Strike Chance and their spells can crit.

Fiddlesticks – Traumatic Memories ⇒ Scarier-crow: Gain a Fiddlesticks. Fiddlesticks continues absorbing Corrupted Souls even while no longer dormant. If he is still dormant after 8 seconds, he immediately casts.

Ekko – Resonance ⇒ Destructive Resonance: Gain an Ekko. Ekko’s spell hits all enemies within 2 hexes, and deals 220% bonus damage, but no longer slows enemies’ Attack Speed.

Syndra – Power Overwhelming ⇒ Not In Vain: Gain a Syndra. Your strongest Syndra gains 30 starting Mana, and 30% Attack Speed every time an ally dies.

Trait Changes











Ox Force



Star Guardian




Champions Adjustments

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4

Tier 5

User Interface Changes

Champion Duplicator: now orange to prevent confusion with the blue Lesser Duplicator (Tier 3 and below)

Item Remover: color is more red so it doesn’t look like the new orange Champion Duplicator

Item Reworks

Zz’Rot Portal: Added a line to the tooltip to say that summoned units will not have as much effectiveness when using Zz’Rot

Spatula + Sword: LaserCorps Emblem ⇒ InfiniTeam Emblem

Augments Rework

Hero Augments Bonus Damage (Nerfs)

TFT Glitched Out patch 13.6 is now live, so players can test them out.