SivHD Has the Idea – ‘when Yuumi Uses W, That Champion Will Use Yuumi as a Weapon’

That thinking about Yasuo’s use of Yuumi ‘ Hasagi ‘ is so weird…Use Yuumi as a Weapon

That Champion Will Use Yuumi as a Weapon

If you are stick to LoL from the initial moment then SivHD must be no longer too strange. Highlights of Leblanc or six-school style were the inspiration for the gamers to practice and use the Leblanc.

After a period of disappearance, the SivHD has recently returned to LoL, stream LoL and attracted a lot of attention from the community, the game is incredibly exciting with the style of SivHD.

As with other players, SivHD also doesn’t like Yuumi because of the champion gameplay. So he came up with a superstised idea but supported by the community.

SivHD: “This idea sounds crazy but at first, just listen to what I’m going to say. When Yuumi is stick to a champion like Olaf or Master Yi, instead of using weapons as usual, that champion will take the tail of that cat to make it be a weapon. When attacking, it means using Yuumi to hit the enemies and this lady cat will lose HP gradually. So they can’t do it, because Yuumi will die gradually, and this champion is forced to get away from you.

I think that this will destroy the balance now, instead of that Yuumi will be stick to you to get everything and do nothing at all”.

Yuumi as a Weapon

Of course this just stops at the level of ideas and Riot Games probably will never apply on LoL. Besides being able to cause the bug, Yuumi herself has a lot of bugs in release. SivHD’s idea is that he hates the champions like Yuumi.

Yuumi as a Weapon

Riot Games also understand this “injustice” so they have included many features such as forcing Yuumi to separate from teammates as they use the shift or W that will have a cooldown when controlled.

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However, it seems that it is still not enough to make the community feel less uncomfortable with Yuumi.

Information From: Youtube