This Jayce’s bug lets you proc his Q 2 times in a row

Jayce has just become one double-troubled with this new Q bug in League of Legends

Though recent bug occurring with both Jayce and Sion killing themselves to acquire shutdown bounty, this patch introduces to us a new bug that is happening live now around the live servers, not on PBE. The main happening of this bug is stated back in patch 11.8 and from that so on, Jayce is capable of doubling his Shock Blast (Q) twice.

Here’s how you do Jayce’s Q bug

Jayce players uses this combo a lot to pull off his poke, but he normally does so from afar. This mechanic doesn’t seem to be on purpose, players just figure it out by themselves and since it is happening on the live servers, abusing this mechanic in solo queue can give him an unfair advantage of laning against any champions. Some players will try to put the combo in the front row in order to get the extra damage to proc.

Patch 11.8 has been seen as having many weird and game-breaking bug, like Nunu going through walls or champions having up to 4000% Omnivamp, and now this doubled Q bug from Jayce. Hopefully Riot should have it corrected by patch 11.9, which is the patch used for the 2021 Mid-Season Invitational or else the tournament might be a little out of hands.