What do you think of these names?
In League of Legends current meta, roaming is very important throughout every role of the game, and mid lane in particular.
Instead of staying in lane to be an industrious farmer, roaming and assisting teammates can sometimes create huge pressure and impact on the game and can bring a lot of advantage and since, create snowballs to the entire match. Some champions that has higher mobility and versatility that can show up in other lanes during different phases of the match can complete this task with ease. Here are 4 faces that can perform excellently as a mid-roamer role.
Talon – The Blade’s Shadow
Talon is one of the champions with the most terrified ability damage in League of Legends. As soon as he hits level 2 then unlocks 2 skills: Q (Noxus Diplomacy) and W (Rake), Talon can easily blow 3/4 of the enemy’s HP away if they are “fragile” champions. Even though, a perfect combo that can activate the Passive (Blade’s End) combined with Ignite, Talon can easily take his First Blood. Even if he can’t solo kill his enemy, Talon can constantly force them into a low HP state that they can’t really do anything much beside holding still into their lane, which allows him to freely take advantage of that time to “terrorize” other lanes while keeping his opponent busy last hit next to turret.
The E (Assassin’sPath) is Talon’s special ability that not only boost his ability to roam well, but also helps Talon appear in places that most of his enemies cannot expect. The difference in newbies Talon and those who master this champion is the ability to utilize the power of his skill set in roaming and escaping. Not fancy, magical as Zed or Leblanc, Talon’s strength is the ability to output huge damage that can hardly be reacted or calculated. Imagine that the ADCs who could not have done anything but getting killed in barely a second and his teammates can only watching Talon as escaped through the walls. It’s powerless, right?
While playing Talon, try to max the W (Rake) and buy Tiamat to maximize Talon’s pushing ability, thereby roaming to assassinate another weak targets on the map will be easier. Boots of Mobility is a necessary item for Talon, it helps him boost his amount of movement speed to the maximum so he can performs effective roams. Of course this is just advice for some of you because many people prefer to build early lethal items for better snowball. Regardless of which guide you are building, try to move a lot to take advantage of the mobility from his (E).
Some basic tips when playing Talon:
- Talon’s W (Darkness) has a certain delay, you can use Q or Flash to change its direction like Ahri’s Q.
- Combo 2 W + Q + basic attack will activate the maximum passive of Talon, if the opponent hits the combo, empty out enemy’s HP is understandable.
- Q (Noxian diplomacy) regenerates basic attacks. If you are quick, you can add a normal attack on Q‘s flight path so that when you hit the target, Talon will automatically attack without clicking anymore.
- Don’t overdo (E) over the wall because it has separate cool down on each walls and you might need them later to run away.
- Talon’s E (Assassin Path) can cross artificial terrain like Trundle’s E or Anivia’s W.
Nocturne – The Eternal Nightmare
Vision is an extremely important factor in League of Legends. Knowing your enemy’s moves can helps you become more confident in deploying your playstyle. The higher rank you are playing on, the more important vision control becomes… but since, all Warding Totem or Control Ward will become useless when Nocturne activate his Paranoia (R).
Nocturne is more used and known as jungler than top or mid lane. But in recent seasons, people have started to use this champion more as a solo laner thanks to his ability to clear minions quickly with Q (Duskbringer) and the passive from W (Shroud of Darkness). The passive gains Nocturne a bit healing ability combined with (W) ,like Sivir’s (E) Spell Shield,can helps Nocturne laning easier when paired with long-ranged champions. Soloing lane helps Nocturne maximize his experience, allows him to get to level 6 as quickly as possible, and then he will start giving nightmares to all of his opponent.
At the early game, try to clear the minions quickly by the large amount of damage from the Q (Duskbringer) to reach level 6. Building Tiamat early is also a good choice to maximize the pushing ability of Nocturne. Depending on each match, Nocturne can actively trading skills with the enemy thanks to the amount of Q damage and ability to block the skills of W, it is unlikely that he will lost his advantage in close combat. However, we personally recommend that you should focus more on level and control the vision carefully to avoid being “visited” by the enemy jungler. Because Nocturne himself didn’t have any skill to run away from ganks.
When you have the ultimate Paranoia (R), start moving and coordinating with your teammates to set up a sudden attack. With the ability to disable the vision, he will send enemies into panic and disable any chance of them getting a back-up Teleport from their teammates. With the enormous amount of damage combined with the crowd-control effect from his E (Unspeakable horror), Nocturne will easily take down his weak prey. However, do not try to rush in without a proper set-up when there are no allies there because his (W) can only blocks one skill.
Some tips when playing Nocturne:
- Try to exchange with your opponent on the dark trail created by the Q (Duskbringer) because it gives you a large bonus amount of AD and Movement Speed.
- Nocturne’s intrinsic attack is quite similar to Renekton’s Q, the more targets it hits, the more HP you will heal, so try to use it when you have as many targets around you as possible.
- If he blocks an opponent’s skill with W, Nocturne will double his attack speed, so the Deadly Spawn branch helps him maximize the attack speed from this skill.
- Nocturne works well with many champions, like Galio.
- Nocturne is not a strong champion in the late game so try to finish the game as quickly as possible.
Pyke – The Bloodharbor Ripper
Although most players now use Pyke as a support instead of solo lane, he is still very strong in single lanes if he is in the hands of skilled players. Unlike the other two champions above, Pyke has a very weak laning phase after continuous nerfs from Riot. With single target Q and his E no longer dealing damage to minions, Pyke barely has any tools to clear his minions apart from using his normal attacks. In return for these weaknesses, Pyke has a very good recovery ability from the passive (Gift of the Drowned Ones) and extremely good anti-ganking ability thanks to E (Phantom Undertow) and W (Ghostwater dive).
However, if you pass the laning phase, Pyke will become a real killer thanks to his maneuverability and his ability to “scoop” extremely good in combats. Death from Bellow helps Pyke have the ability to instantly kill the target if it is below a certain HP threshold and allows him to continue use it in a short period of time if he participating in the kill. The fact that teammates also get the money from the kill with Pyke’s ultimate helps the team to regain their advantage only after a fight. The difference between a “fuzzy” Pyke and a high skill player lies in the ability to use the ultimate skillfully and effectively in combats.
If you use Pyke for solo-laning, try to keep up with the number of minions and level with his opponent because Pyke almost does not win any match-up. Get on the Tiamat and Boots of Mobility early to actively roam other lanes and support teammates based on the amount of movement speed as well as the stealth ability from W (Ghostwater dive). In mid and late game, do not try to go solo because Pyke’s strength lies mainly in team combats.
Some tips when playing Pyke:
- Passive (Gift of the Drowned Ones) allows Pyke to heal back when there is no enemy vision. If you go into the dust and still not receiving any heal, then there must be wards from the enemy.
- Like many other moves, E (Phantom Undertow) can combine with Speed to create surprise for the enemies.
Pantheon – The Unbreakable Spear
As a recently adjust champion, Pantheon has become extremely powerful and when it comes to mid lane, he has the ability to roam that is not inferior to any champion. With his way to build lethality but still ensure a certain level of tankiness makes Pantheon become an extremely annoying pick, both “tanky” and “deathly” in the mid lane.
Pantheon’s strongest strength is his ultimate, which gives him the ability to move quickly to any lanes and fights. Besides, Pantheon can also close the distance to his enemy easily with W (Christmas Shield) or block damage from the tower with E (Storm Strike). Thanks to his high base damage and the ability to clear the minions quite well with Q (Spear of Meteor), Pantheon can early purchase lethal items while still being a better pusher than his opponent. Try to roam the most to provide support to your teammates to maximize his power.
In a teamfight, try to targeting the opponent’s ADCs with your point-to-face skill set. By late game, Pantheon will become weaker since his enemy will likely to have more defensive items. Pantheon’s strength will no longer remain the same as in the beginning or mid-game with his full-damage items. So, if you play Pantheon, try to snowball and finish the game as quickly as possible.
Some tips when playing Pantheon:
- Pay attention to the Pantheon’s passive (Battle of Attitude) and use it to strengthen the next skill. If you want to put the maximum amount of damage on the opponents, strengthen Q or W (Q will increase the damage and slow, while W will give him 3 more attacks). If you want to increase the chance of a kill or to escape from ganks, enhance E (allow Pantheon to increase the block duration from 1.5 seconds to 2.5 seconds).
- Do not be afraid to use Q (Spear of Meteor) to farm minions or create pressure on the opponent, but save E (Attack on the Storm) because this skill has a long cooldown in the early stages.
- After using R (Falling Sun), Pantheon will gain immediately 5 passive points, so use it appropriately. Pantheon’s ultimate is also sometimes a skill that can help him escape very well.
- Pantheon’s Q (Spear of Meteor) deals bonus damage to targets below 25% health.
What do you think about these above champions? Please leave your comments below ! And do not forget to follow LOLnews to update the most useful information about League of Legends!
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