Top 4 champions fans expect to appear in ARCANE

ARCANE will be available on Netflix this Fall.

Image via Riot Games

The hype for ARCANE is still increasing.

For the past few years, Riot Games has been trying to transfer their most successful title – League of Legends into multiple platforms: from other games which set in the same universe such as Legends of Runeterra to comics, novels, and most recently – the newly announced animation series called ARCANE on Netflix.

The series will take place in Piltover and Zaun – two of the most famous landmarks of the Runterra, home of many champions in the game including Jinx and Vi. From the very first trailer, it is likely that the series will explained their past and also will also tell us more about Zaun as it will be depicted more carefully throughout the series.

As fans have been hyping for such series to happen for a long time, they had made up many interesting theories about which champions may also appear later in ARCANE. Here are the top 4 champions that are believed to take part in this wonderful animation.


The tone and mood that we can feel from the very first impression of the trailer is dark and kinda adventurous. While Seraphine is more of a fun, joyful character, we mind find herself getting involve in the troubles of the story and might take part in as one of the main characters of the series.

Image via Riot Games


The trailer showed us many scenes which take place in Zaun – the very home of Ekko. For the past few years, he had also been part of fan’ theories about the story behind Vi and Jinx. Ekko might be one of the main characters of the series, and through some voiceline in the trailer, he might also has certain feeling toward Jinx aswell.

Image via Riot Games


A great series always required a great antagonist or villain. And Urgot should fit in this role perfectly in ARCANE. In the 2020 Warriors music video, we had seen him performed against Caitlyn and Vi – the champions that represent justice of Piltover and we can all reach an agreement that Urgot is really a scary villain of this city.

There are also hints in his in-game voice lines and lore that he swears someday he will destroy Piltover for capturing him and Zaun for turning him into such monster he is. Who else can fit in the role of an antagonist more perfectly in ARCANE?

Image via Riot Games


If Vi takes part in the series, she can’t do it without her Sheriff – Caitlyn. Together, they might try to stop Jinx’s plans and become the main character of the series. Riot Games can also take this chance to widen Caitlyn lore as there aren’t much to say and there aren’t much that we know about her: personality, background or history in the game yet.

Image via Riot Games

However, Ezreal, Camille or even Janna or Orianna are all champions that is currently living in Zaun and Piltover, thay might take part as a side character to help boost the story further. Ziggs, Heimerdinger alongside with Jayce and Viktor might not affect the storyline directly, but there are very high chances that we will hear more about them throughout the series since they are all famous characters of the two cities and might be the one who is behind everything that will be happening in ARCANE.