Top 4 Junglers that are super annoying but no one play!?

Despite getting adjusted from one patch after another, after buffs and nerfs, these extremely strong and annoying Jungler still haven’t received much love and attention from players, although, they are proved to be super affective in some meta but still, players just keep picking Lee Sin, Graves, Nidalee,… So who are these Junglers that keep being forgotten?


This little mummy has always been a forgotten champion of League of Legends, despite the fact that he appeared very early in the world of Runeterra, his power has always been underrated no matter how many seasons have passed. Amumu possesses a skill set with overwhelming crowd controls and large area damage, a good combat by Amumu can completely reverse the outcome of the match.

Amumu whose ultimate is crushed

In the past, Amumu was a very strong jungler. In the hands of Korean players, this small looking champion has spread terror to the opponents in every tournaments. Unfortunately, in the current meta, gamers need a jungler that capable of ganking and making impact on the game from early phase. Even a level 6 Sejuani can invade Amumu’s jungle and create quite bigger impact on the game than him.

The ultimate weakness that keeps Amumu crying for so many season is that his potential can only be unleashed when it comes to late and end game, while Junglers with good early and peaks their power at mid game are favored by our current meta.

Because of that fact, no matter how much buff Amumu gonna receive, he still have a long way to return to the professional arena.


Released in October 2016, the Green Father has a good time being an extremely effective jungler in professional tournaments. He has a quite strange skill-set. Despite being a jungler, he was designed to full-fill the role of a support. His playstyle was completely opposite with all the Jungler, while provide shield and protection to his teammate, he lacked the ability to play aggressively and to fight 1v1 in the jungle.

Maybe for that reason, not so many players find it fun and want to pick or have him in their team. Except for professional tournaments, when he was abused for “hyper-carry” line-ups where all 4 roles will choose picks that can provide the most cover and support for their ADCs, usually are strong carry like Kog’Maw, Vayne to shine.

However, like the flowers that bloom early, his the beautiful days soon disappear when Riot noticed and nerfed him.

And worst of all, they even nerfed Daisy, Ivern’s (R), which is his only tool to provide tank and impact on combats. This nerf hit him so badly that he started to disappear from the meta and soon, been forgotten with the “hyper-carry” meta.


A champion that is extremely strong and maneuverable in every stage of the game, having great ganking tool (his (E) Elastic Slingshot) can open combats and start ganks from a very far and unpredictable distance, also allows him to knock up the enemy and finish them for a fair amount of time that pressure them enough to take the kill or their flash with a follow up combo.

Great ganking, while also have the ability to clear camps easily with his (W) Unstable Matter and Passive as well as the Cinderella buff. He is one of the strongest Jungle in the current meta, but still, got “abandoned”. His pick rate is one of the lowest among Junglers like Lee Sin and Elise.

If you see him coming, you better hit flash already

The main reason maybe because it is easy to counter him. He has to use HP to cast skills, but it is easy for the opponent to nullify his healing power with item like Morello. In addition, the clones when Zac is defeated are too weak and slow, making this passive almost useless in teamfights.


The Devil Clown has always been rated as one of the extremely powerful Jungle Assassins that was ever designed. With his extremely annoying skill set and massive burst damage, Shaco is always the fear of the enemies who wander alone in the forest.

Shaco has just got a new skin, hoping that he will be pick a little more

However, he was still not getting picked by players because his ineffectiveness in large teamfights as well as it took you much time practice on him to fully understand his tricky kits and maximize his potential. He has so many unique mechanic and tricks that need to study and try again and again if you want to be good as PinkWard. His R and W sometimes are very hard to function and control, and in higher elos, players can counter your tricks and combos very easily once they know the way you do it once it will be hard for you to outplay them again.

Shaco is a pure assassin, so he also lack of the tankiness required to survive in any combat. Every combat is a gamble, and you have to play him well or you gonna lose everything. This makes him one of the less pick Junglers of all.

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