Top 5 Champions in ARURF (if you are lucky)

League of legends’ All Random Ultra Rapid Fire (ARURF) mode is back in patch 11.3. This 5v5 game mode is probably the mode that most players are waiting for and probably the most enjoyable one in the history of League of Legends. With the URF mode, players can engage in battles without any mana restrictions and there is also a cooldown reduction on the abilities. This might be the best thing about URF because players can spam their abilities constantly.

In this article, we will be listing these 5 strongest champs that can dominate the URF mode.


Of course, Zed has always been the no.1 champ in URF and this path 11.3 is no exception. Zed is a champ that relies heavily on his abilities and his energy. ARURF is where Zed shines as he can harass enemy players with his ranged abilities and can even assassinate the tankiest champs. His enemies will have to think twice before getting into a 1v1 with him, as his Shadow Slash can end them in seconds.


The current Red Dead in Worlds 2021 is already strong, into the URF he is even stronger when the cooldown is reduced sharply. Plus the ability to suck blood from Q, the ability to escape gank situations with W will make Vladimir quite extremely uncomfortable. Vladimir can carry the team extremely well in ARURF despite teammates being constantly fed. Especially when he returns to the late game, he will become almost immortal with the ability to recover and the amount of burst damage.

Master Yi

You would be familiar with Yi’s crit build since the start of the new season with a variety of new items.  Duskblade + crit items have turned Yi into a true assassin. In the early game of URF, like Yi, you would be poke by long-ranged champs but as soon as he gets his core item “Duskblade + The Collector”, there’s nothing that can save you from this monstrosity. His kit is perfect for a 1v5 but be careful with CC as this is Yi’s weakness. But since this is ARURF, dodging with Q constantly will solve the problems.


A new face in URF, so what makes Senna come up in this list? Her Passive. So apparently each stack of Mist grants her 0,75 AD. For every 20 stacks, Senna gains 25 bonus attack range and a 10% crit chance. Upon exceeding 100% crit chance, Senna converts 35% of the excess into lifesteal. Mid game and late game is when Senna shines as she becomes a sniper that can kill instantly a target from afar instance.  Her W (Last Embrace) also helps her CC-ing her opponents and her E (Curse of the Black Mist) will make her even more annoying to get close to. Both Assassin and Marksman items work perfectly with her.


Jax has a large amount of damage in URF and is rated extremely uncomfortable in this mode. He will always jump at the target and deal damage with Jump and Smash (Q). In addition, he also inhibits when using the Counterattack (E) to dodge the blow and counterattack with damage and stunning the opponent. In addition, the ability Master (R) will help Jax increase magic resist and armor. With him, you will no longer worry about the duel or even accept 2, 3, or even the enemy team.

These are the 5 strongest champions in ARURF you can not ignore if you want your enemy to crumble under your feet and win the game easily. Now the only thing you need is luck to pick those Champs.

Other top 5 here.