How the new Teleport will change Top lane entirely

This new update will never make top lane the same again

If the updates on the PBE servers make it to live servers, Teleport will be reworked completely. The summoner’s spell will be less more flexible before the 14 minutes mark, instead, it will have a much shorter cooldown and shorter casting time.

Similar to the Smite rework, the TP modifications on the PBE operate by limiting its potential in the early phase and grow stronger as time goes on. The new Teleport spell begins significantly different than the one players are used to. The new TP, which has a 360s cooldown, only allows players to teleport to turrets until after 14 minutes into the game.

After 14 minutes, it transforms into Unleashed Teleport. The cooldown then will be 270 seconds and will function as the normal TP in the past. This will significantly alter how Teleport works in solo queue and professional play, particularly for top laners.

How will Teleport change Top lane?

Top lane has always been the lane that use TP the most, considering the distance between their lane with important objectives and team fights.

This will reduce drastically to the team fights in other lanes in the early game. Specifically, Toplaners’ only option is to concentrate to only their lanes, making the usage of the spell seems less “mobile”.

The wave controls mechanic of the players will also be reduced. The ability to TP back to freeze the wave after being killed is no longer available. They will also be unable to teleport to a minion to keep the wave out of turret range in order to set up a good minion wave.

While the update may result in more combat options, it may also make top lane even more painful for dull and tanky champions. This modification will be available on live servers on patch 11.25.