Top the most successful and failed rework in League of Legends

In Riot Games development history, many champions have become pillars, but there are also weak champions who continue to be weak.

Successful and failed rework

Successful and failed rework

The successful reworks

Set of 3: AAtrox, Akali, Irelia

This is the trio that is considered to have the most spectacular makeover in the history of League of Legends development, both in terms of visuals and gameplay. All were old champions but were not much appreciated at that time, Riot embarked on the project to remake these 3 champions after reviving championssuch as Sejuani, Zac, Maokai.

All 3 of these champions received remakes almost at the same time and many people opposed because AAtrox was also quite strong at that time. However, it was not found that all three champions after remake almost became hot-pick and took turns dominating the meta for a long time.

AAtrox became a machine for damage and healing in the game, Irelia suddenly had a series of passive in skills in a super terrible skill. With that, Akali becomes the most perfect assassin of the game with the ability to assassinate targets and surf up to 4 times.

All 3 were strong and unstoppable at the time, causing Riot to have a headache balancing the 3 monsters they created.

Now AAtrox and Irelia have almost no place to act because of nerf too much damage as well as passive. Akali is still a perfect assassin, causing Riot to intend to nerf her once and for all.


Reworked and released during the mid-season 9, Pantheon is one of the generals who are considered one of the most powerful Juggernaut that no team dares to underestimate. The 100% ban in World Championship 2019 is one of the clearest evidence for the success of the team redesigning this champion.

successful and failed rework

Pantheon’s weaknesses were almost completely eradicated, with a set of pressure skills all over the game. It is no exaggeration to say that along with Akali and some other champions, Patheon is one of the symbols of the recent League of Legends.


Mordekaiser was once a splendid one in the 5th season when walking the dragon like a pet and mercilessly reduced his power. But only after the rework, Mordekaiser began to regain its form and return to the track of the top lane champions.

Although Riot has learned lessons when not giving the later generals the ability to fly and jump like all 3 monsters remade before, but also did not forget a lot of buffs in terms of damage to him. Mordekaiser has dominated the time and received many nerfs later. However, at the present time, the change of Conqueror is once again bringing him back to domination once again.

The most failed champions rework


Skarner is one of the very old champions and also went through a major surgery in season 5, version 5.16. However, unlike the lucky champions above, Skarner is one of the less successful generals when not too surprised by the players after the rework.

successful and failed rework

His skill set is considered to be quite cramped when he does not own any maneuverable skills. Not only that, Skarner is only useful when he has his ultimate and there is no way to approach it, without speed or Predator – something that is not in his skill set.

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In all of Riot’s reworks and revisions, this is a special champion that has been reworked many times, big and small, but the result is still pathetic, when Ryze is too OP or is too scrap.

successful and failed rework

Ryze’s skill set is not that easy to play when it requires a lot of combo skills, but once he gets into the hands of pro players with high skills, he becomes a true monster with a Huge amount of damage in the middle, late game.

After 3 major surgeries and dozens of changes, modifications, additions, deletions, Ryze is still not a balanced general and is still closely monitored by Riot’s design team.


Like Ryze, Kayle is one of the generals with a lot of modifications but is unable to balance. This champion has undergone a major surgery in terms of image and skills at the same time with Morgana.

successful and failed rework

However, shortly after, Kayle became an unbeaten champion in the late game. Not only that, this angel is also the main factor along with Vladimir and a number of other champions who make good use of the Kleptomancy, causing this Runes to be wiped out of the game.

Kayle currently has less OP than before than in part because of the disappearance of Kleptomancy. But it takes months to balance a reworked champion, which is not so good when champions like Nunu, Evelynn, or Pantheon don’t take too many revisions after their debut.