Tryndamere player steals dragon while standing in… top lane

This is a pretty humorous and coincidental situation in Summoner’s Rift.

Tryndamere player steals dragon

In League of Legends, stealing major objectives from enemy team has always made us somehow super excited. Since it offers advantages not only to the whole team, but also a boost to the team’s overall spirit. There are variety ways of stealing objectives, from using skills to the easiest way: Smite.

Nevertheless, the situation of the former League of Legends pro Remigiusz “Overpow” Pusch had surprised all his fans. In particular, Team ROCCAT’s former prominent midlaner used Tryndamere was laning against Shen on top lane. But since Shen realized his comrades in the dragon nest were in danger, he used his (R) Stand United to assist them.

Simultaneously, Overpow was auto attacking him, activating Tiamat’s on hit effect while Shen is in channeling for his (R). Shen landed extremely promptly in time on the dragon nest and helped Tryndamere… stealed the Infernal Drake without being there. Through a stroke of luck, at the exact moment that Shen’s ultimate activated, Tryndamere got an auto attack off.

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As it is impossible to dodge auto attacks, Trydamere’s Tiamat activated where Shen teleported, who was on top of the dragon. Nonetheless, the big mistake in losing this Drake belonged to Lee Sin after Overpow replay the match.

Early on the Blind Monk used smite and the dragon has just 300 HP left at the time. By the time Shen and his Ult arrived, the Infernal Drake had 75 HP and one of Summoner’s Rift’s most interesting stealing was created.This can also be regarded as a costly lesson for players who prefer the jungle position.

Remember, you need to precisely calculate the damage to use the smite and finish the objects. Yet psychology and the external factors do can affect the gamers’ decision-making.