After Samira, Two Other Leaked Champions: A New Mage and One Tank Support?

Riot Games and League of Legends have had a busy summer with many new champion launches followed by the largest event since its inception some years ago.

Note: This is just a leak from the PBE server and a summary of the rumors until Riot has made any official announcement, some of the information would be changed.

Rumors about two new champions after Samira?

With Lillia hitting the client in Patch 10.15 and Yone arriving in Patch 10.16, information about two new champions has already been leaked, which means they may not be too far behind. The majority of what we have already known so far comes from a Brazilian YouTuber, Streamie, who had also revealed information about the release of Yone earlier this month.

Besides, Streamie has revealed some information about a new Marksman, Samira, and a few details on the forthcoming moves from Riot. She also shared about the second champion that is set to release after Samira, but has virtually little concrete details, yet. According to her, the next champion is believed to be a musical theme midlane mage named Seraphine.

The 152nd Champion Will Be A Mage?

In addition to the introduction of AD carry Samira and Seraphine (?) as a midlane mage, according to League of Legends Champion Roadmap, soon we will see the 153rd champion being a “Ultra-heavy tank” support that could be announced at the end of this year.

2020 upcoming leak champion – Leak of Legends


149th Champion: Lillia, The Bashful Bloom
150th Champion: Yone, The Unforgotten
151st Champion: “Thrill Seeking Marksman”
152nd Champion: “Sensational Mage”

153rd Champion: “Ultra-Heavy Tank Support”

2021 First Champion Rework: Mundo, The Madman of Zaun

“Where the boy came from only High Command knows, and they aren’t talking.”

New leak image about seraphine :

Read full about Seraphine Champion: Here

And the 153rd Champion is an “Ultra-Heavy Tank” Support?

It could be good news for Tank Support players, since Yuumi – a healer was the most recently released Support. Nonetheless, there are very few specifics information about this support champ, our job now is to wait until Riot officially announces these new champion alongside with their new skin lines and maybe – big events like Yone, Lilia and the Spirit Blossom.