Tyler1 and his bug rage – RIP his keyboard

Tyler1 lost his cool and destroyed his keyboard after a League of Legends issue prevented him from remaking, ruining his ranking game.

Tyler1 plays League of Legends rated consistently enough to have achieved Challenger in all 5 roles. He yet keeps working hard to climb the ladder to ever-higher positions.

Read more about LoL players who keep making Tyler1 sick here.

Tyler1 lost not only his keycap but also his LP

Tyler pounded his keyboard and flung keys into the air after a problem prevented him from playing a ranking game with an absent player.

In order to force a new game, the jungler AFK-ed and scored a goal for the side. Both Tyler1 and his support ran it through the middle of the lane anticipating a game remake.

The jungler on Tyler’s squad was absent from level 1 thus a remake ordinarily would have been doable, but it didn’t work. This implied that he would forfeit the match and receive a full penalty. This didn’t make Tyler pleased.

He hit his keyboard so forcefully that it was broken and Tyler1 was unable to play since keys could be seen flying away from the point of impact. He then turned around and retrieved a backup.

Tyler was assessed another penalty following the game after waiting out the remaining play to surrender.

He was marked as an AFK player while he searched for a replacement keyboard. As a result, he will incur an additional loss point penalty in his subsequent rated game for a match that he shouldn’t have lost in the first place.

Tyler mockingly praised Riot in response to this punishment before saying, “You’re lucky I don’t f***ing punch my f***ing monitor.”