Tyler1 said playing on the Korean server was just making him worse at the game

Tyler1, one of the most popular League of Legends streamers has returned to the United States after spending a month in South Korea and climbing the Korean server’s solo queue. However, Tyler claims that the trip was not what he had expected as his overall experience was awful.

Tyler1 showed how tough it was to play on the Korean server in one of his last streams in Korea. Throughout the period of streaming, many of his high-elo gameplay were disrupted by griefing, inting, and unpleasant gaming, which he claims has harmed his skills.

Playing in Korea has made Tyler1 a worse player

“I am fucking jumping with joy counting the minutes and seconds until I am on the plane home,”

“I am actively sabotaging everything I know about League of Legends. I am just getting worse, it’s a complete waste of time.”

The Twitch streamer eventually ended his journey at Master, failing the initial challenge of reaching Challenger. Tyler even reached Master on the Korean server within the first 10 days of playing it. 

He mostly queued for ADC and jungle on his one account. While his wins were nearly always overpowering, the famous streamer suffered from long losing streaks, many of which were caused by other players recognizing him in-game.

Regardless of the results, Tyler1 saw a significant increase in audience as a result of his Korean feeds. Tyler1 finished his Korean stint with a peak of Masters 327 LP and ending at Masters 105 LP.