Vel’Koz is getting a new VFX update in patch 12.3

Early in season 12, Riot Games continues to update champions’ VFX, this time with Vel’Koz, with an emphasis on making his hitboxes more precise

During the 12.3 PBE Patch, Vel’koz, The Eye of the Void, will get a variety of visual effect changes. This is part of a bigger strategy to bring all League champions up to date.

Sirhaian, a VFX artist at Riot Games, posted the first Reddit post about this, stating Riot will continue to work on VFX enhancements for specific champions, according to Sirhaian.

In Riot’s attempt to increase clarity with abilities on Summoner’s Rift, we’ve seen recent VFX for Vayne, Sona and a few others. Vel’Koz’s moment has come, with his basic and other skins receiving attention.

His design has been tweaked to better reflect the Void champions thematic, as well as making modifications to his hitbox indications, which have been incorrect.

This features a visual upgrade to his E projectile as well as a more “modern-void” recall animation. His Q now has a wider range and a new brighter visual effect, while his W spell now has a new animation with a more defined hitbox. His ultimate, Life Form Disintegration Ray, has been improved as well, with a more defined core and clearer surrounding hitbox.

Another tweak was made to his Infernal and Blackfrost indicators to make them more visually appealing, as well as a number of additional improvements that improve the graphics.

Image via Riot Games

Sirhaian is currently seeking comments from players on the Reddit thread where Riot announced the upgrade, so the changes aren’t finished just yet. For the time being, League players can keep up to current with Patch 12.3, which is set to debut on February 2.