Preseason 2022: Viktor becomes one of the strongest champion in the current game

Viktor is now holding the number one spot on the leaderboard

Image via Riot Games

One thing we can easily see throughout season 11 is that the snowball speed of each game has gotten substantially faster and faster. This is due to the fact that many new items deliver an excessive amount of damage and a significant effect for each champion. As a result, champions that require a significant amount of effort to gradually “out meta” the skill set, much like Viktor.

However, during the preseason, Viktor returned incredibly strong with a soaring win rate. According to, he now has a 52.76% win rate in the top lane, and a 53.08% in the mid lane.


Not to mention, his popularity has also gained the most in recent time, with an 11.1% progression. Viktor has gained the most from the preseason. So, how did this champion come this far?

Preseason 2022 items and rune

First and foremost, the new rune First Strike has been one of the reasons why. The rune ensures that Viktor always acquires a significant amount of gold and still deals insane burst damage. The more items and damage you have, the more useful the 10% damage in First Strike becomes.

Furthermore, with the new Mythic item Crown of the Shattered Queen being introduced, it becomes the perfect Mythic item for medium-ranged AP champions such as Viktor. With the ability to lessen the damage by up to 75% in a short amount of time, he is unlikely to be killed easily, considering how squishy he is.

Obviously, the longer a champion survives, the more damage he deals, like Viktor does, the more appropriate this item is to him. Shadowflame also provides him with all the needs, AP, HP, and piercing damage, in helping him bursting down targets even faster.

All in all, with the introduction of the preseason, Viktor can now exploit all of his power in the laning phase, making him one of the strongest champions in the current meta.