New Void champion Bel’Veth was actually teased 8 years ago?

Bel’Veth was teased 8 years ago?

On the evening of April 20, Riot’s upcoming champion was leaked across many social media platforms as it is about to join Summoner’s Rift and comes from the Void. The champion is named Bel’Veth (according to a reliable source, Ryscu), a Void entity that resembles a stingray. The main color of Bel’Veth is purple-like, similar to any Void champion concept like Kai’Sa, Vel’Koz, Kha’Zix… But it is noteworthy that the skill set has not been confirmed.

However, Riot Games hasn’t confirmed or said anything if Bel’Veth would be the next Void champion as part of the leak. Furthermore, after the video became viral on the internet, several League fans discovered that the champion was really teased 8 years earlier. This theory has also been pointed out by Ryscu, a League content creator with many reliable leaks.

Apparently, Riot teased Bel’Veth in the Battlecast skin line teaser. The skin line is inspired by Viktor’s experiments to transform creatures, from humans to monsters, both on Earth and beings from the Void, as long-time League of Legends players are aware.  And it’s said that back in the day, the Battlecast Anivia skin was teased but never made it to the game. Then 8 years later, inspired by the image from Viktor’s blueprint, Bel’Veth was made.

And, according to the design, this champion can enhance her strength by acquiring stacks. Furthermore, according to the previous footage, the Void champion will have a shapeshifting ultimate, which might be the real form of this Void champion.

Riot has not officially verified this theory. But, given how enthusiastic the League of Legends community is over the recently leaked photos, Riot may make an official announcement about the new champion in the near future.